Santa’s Helper is Still Busy!

Santa’s helper has not only been busy, she is working on 3 1/2 hours of sleep! Poor thing almost had a total melt down last night. She discovered that she could not find her ball jar lid files from last year. These were created in My Digital Studio a couple of years ago. Since being a problem solver is a requirement for all of Santa’s helpers; she thought that she would try using My Digital Studio to look for the file instead of mymemories (a software that is similiar to MDS that users were referred to). To her utter dismay, she found that MDS thought that it was a free trial that was ended and would not take her product key. She then proceeded to try a search of her whole computer. Nadda. Nothing. She then went to her blog to see which digital files that she used thinking, “No problem, I’ll just recreat them!” She found the digital files names and did a search to create the new tags for her jar lids. Nadda. Nothing! Do you see where this is going?! So, she frantically looks for the files in her MDS downloads and back ups. Nadda. Not there. Sigh. Gone. Vanished! Thin air! Poof! She has no clue of where, when, why, or how! Huge disappointment! Those where some of her favorite Christmas digital files! She paid good money for those to help out Santa and they are gone; lost. So, what to do but try to create something new in mymemories with what she still has. This is what she came up with. To brighten her mood, she used something new! Do you see it? That pretty glittered Pool Party ribbon is it! Sparkly, shiny, festive, glowing! Santa’s helper has a little smile in her tears! This awesome ribbon will be available in January! Thanks for stopping by!

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