How to stack up Four Scoops of Yummy Goodness!

I received this card in a convention swap last year. The creator did not put his/her name on the label so I am unable to give credit to him/her. However, I wanted to share this card because it is an awesome example of using the Masking Technique!

The Masking Technique is great for layering images, adding depth, and creating overlays!

How to create a Mask and use it:

  1. Stamp image on card stock. (Like a scoop of ice cream!)
  2. Stamp it again on a piece of scratch paper. ( I like to use post it notes – but scratch paper works if you use a bit of 2-way glue for a temporary bond!)
  3. Cut carefully around the scratch paper image, cutting just inside the lines: this will be your mask.
  4. Place the mask on top of the card stock image.
  5. Stamp another image over a portion of the mask to created layered, interacting images.
  6. Remove the mask to see the finished look.
  7. Repeat as necessary (You can create as many calorie free scoops of ice cream as you wish with this method!)
I hope you enjoyed this quick, fun little tutorial on how to stack up four scoops of yummy goodness! We are actually quite adept with the scoop at our house..a little personal factoid…my hubby works for the Blue Bunny! Very good ice cream! Yum!
This calorie free card was created with the Sprinkles of Life set (purchasing it supports RMHC and you can read more about that by clicking here). If you have never used 2-way glue, it is awesome stuff! It can create a temporary and permanent bond! Support Ronald McDonald House Charities and become a Master Scoop Stacker by visiting my online store and purchasing Sprinkles of Life today! Click on any of the product images below and you will be taken to my 24/7 online store. Thanks for stopping by!
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