I loved Ernestine played by Lily Tomlin! I thought she was hilarious! Ernestine may have frustrated a few folks in her day, but at least she was human! We now have to deal with computerized calls and voices, truncated answering systems, etc. Usually by the time I get to #3 or #4 my eyes have started to glaze over and I find myself in a Zombie-like trance of epic proportions! As it dawns on me that I need to make a decision and I have no clue what my choices are I shudder out of my trance and frantically hang up the phone! Then the irritation sets in! I mutter and grumble to myself about how ridiculously difficult it is to reach a real person. In those moments Ernestine is a real heroine!
This swap card received at convention (no identifying info on the back of card to give credit to the creator) brings back those memories of watching Ernestine and chuckling at her antics. I love the old fashioned rotary dial phone. The card is very simple – but that is perfect as this phone is a depiction of simpler times! Sometimes I find myself wondering why it is that we complicate our conveniences
Supplies used on this project are listed below. Remember to click my order online button (above right) to be taken to my demonstrator business website and click the shop now button to purchase any of the following items!
TIMELESS TALK Item: 126607 |
BASIC BLACK 8-1/2X11 CARD STOCK Item: 121045 |
CHERRY COBBLER 8-1/2X11 CARD STOCK Item: 119685 |
WHISPER WHITE 8-1/2X11 CARD STOCK Item: 100730 |