Have you ever had a card idea just not come together? You started out with an idea in your head. You pulled out your stamps and supplies; eager to wow your stamping friends with your creative prowess. Then it hits you as you take the supplies and try to create that “thing” that was in your head; a springboard of what ifs takes you down multiple paths and you just aren’t happy with any of them! The card is too busy. The colors are wrong. The sentiment doesn’t fit right. The layout does not work. Frustion sets in as your reflection pool turns into a vortex.
Bits and pieces get thrown into the trash as each attempt is rejected. Before long your trash can is full and you still do not have a completed card. Eventually, in frustration, you decide to walk away from it and try again later.
Researchers who study creativity discover some very interesting things. Below is an excerpt from an article about this very thing. Your pain is real my creative friends!
Creativity is the ability to bring together disparate ideas in new and useful combinations. What is happening to the electrical, chemical, and architectural
environment of our brains that stimulates our imagination and makes us more creative? A 2015 study from Stanford University suggests that “overthinking” (relying exclusively on the brain’s higher-level, executive-control centers held in the cerebrum) actually impairs, rather than enhances, creativity.
The study’s lead author,
Manish Saggar(link is external), PhD, summed up the findings of the study by saying, “The more you think about it, the more you mess it up.” This is exactly what tennis legend Arthur Ashe would describe as “paralysis by analysis.”
So, if you are having difficulties with that card; stop, go take a walk and let your mind wander. Eventually, inspiration with singleness of purpose will come to you!
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