How the Dragonfly Design Came to be at Inkheaven
Some of you may be wondering how the Dragonfly Design (or logo) fits in with inkheaven. It is the result of a friend encouraging me to let inkheaven express my personality and who I am; not an easy feat for an introvert! As an introvert, I have times when my feelings and emotions, that are normally under wraps, compel me to write. It is at these times that the words come easy. One of those times occurred when one of my dad’s brothers passed away. To be honest, I can’t say that I have a lot of memories of this particular uncle. I think it was his kindness and interest that made him stand out in memory. Kindness and interest are forms of encouragement, which is a passion of mine, and part of the purpose of inkheaven. You can learn more about here.
My first memory of Uncle Gene is being in his little neighborhood grocery store, with my dad, sitting on the glass counter. The memory is very faint, but I recall him giving me some candy from underneath that glass counter.
My second memory is of his last visit to our home before he moved to Arizona. At the time, I was learning how to play the saxophone and he was interested in hearing me play. I can’t remember now if this was planned,or not, but I played “Auld Lang Syne” for him.
When I learned that he had passed away, I was compelled to write this poem:
Of childhood
Hot summer days
Dragonflies flitting, buzzing
Wings shimmering in the sun
Fascinated, awed, slightly afraid
Following, but not too close
Happy, warm, carefree
Like dragonflies
Flitting, buzzing in my mind
Shimmering in my heart
Fascinated, awed,
By the clarity of yesteryear,
I follow close
Happiness and warmth
Comfort me in my sorrow
By Darla S. Olson 2004
In conclusion, it’s because of my fascination with dragonflies and how I associate them with feelings of happiness, that I decided to use them for my design and theme for inkheaven.