Calorie Free Parfaits!

“Calorie free parfaits equal stamp more eat less!”

I am so excited! My open house is this Saturday! Of course…I am nowhere near ready! I have all these bits and pieces done and ready…but it is not all pulled together yet! I have 80 pounds of peaches to freeze, a garden to keep harvesting, and a house to clean…anyone want to come and help! lol! All of my guests will be receiving a calorie free parfait! They will also get some of my famous cookies…which are baked and in the freezer ready to package up on Friday. I hope I don’t have to pull an “all-nighter” to get it all done! I have been working on things since I got back from convention in hopes of avoiding one of those…but like my husband says…I just can’t help myself…I always find something else that I think I must add or do!

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